英國利茲音樂學院(Leeds College of Music)爵士樂及音樂製作學士畢業,主修爵士結他,兼修爵士鋼琴

B教學進修 / 兒童興趣班Blue Sky English Education Centre

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YOUTUBE LINK : https://youtu.be/4mjAq0veQWY 我們是為各項場合及節目提供 不同風格的音樂演奏者。 我們的目的是提供最佳的音樂並創建及配合不同的主題。 帶動全場的氣氛。 We are a group of musicians formed to perform different styles in different kinds of even

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To Meet your business and personal needs. If you are looking for someone to fulfill your needs anything related to Japan, or if you are one of them below example, feel free to contact me through emai

Playgroup/ Phonics / Cambridge Preparation/ Trinity/ Grammar & Writing/ Reading and Speaking
教學進修 / 補習JollyGardenHK

本人大學畢業於英國時裝設計學院, 操流利中英文, 可雙語教學。I studied Bachelor of Art (Honours) Fashion Design in United Kingdom. I speak fluent English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Chinese, I can lecture bilingual.

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l教學進修 / 特殊教育lamb.education.hk

LTCL演奏級鋼琴導師, 三角琴授課 (青衣區) Facebook: Aileen Piano Ms. Aileen 對音樂和教學有很大的熱誠。 有關Ms. Aileen的教學理念,教學經驗,學生活動和照片,請瀏覽 Facebook: Aileen Piano Website: http://aileenpiano.wixsite.com/piano

LTCL演奏級鋼琴導師, 三角琴授課 (青衣區) Facebook: Aileen Piano Ms. Aileen 對音樂和教學有很大的熱誠。 有關Ms. Aileen的教學理念,教學經驗,學生活動和照片,請瀏覽 Facebook: Aileen Piano Website: http://aileenpiano.wixsite.com/piano
音樂 / 教學進修Aileen Piano

Hong Kong Students Speech Competition 2017' - Putonghau, Cantonese, English Speech Contest
教學進修 / 海外升學First Education Centre

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